The 27th book in Pulphouse Publishing’s Author’s Choice Monthly series, with stories by Roger Zelazny, took a while to find at an acceptable price. But now, I finally have all 29 books in the series. Of those 29, the vast majority that I own are in the trade paperback edition; only three in hardcover. The hardcovers were limited to 300 signed copies; some are numbered, some are not. In addition, there was a deluxe leather-bound edition, limited to 50 numbered and signed copies. The latter are for hardy souls with deep pockets.

For many years I owned just two of the books in this series. Then, in 2023 I started trying to find the other books in the series. Originally, I thought that I might acquire them all in time to review them, one book at a time, during the month of February, 2024. Since 2024 is a leap year there are 29 days in February, so I would have been able to match one day per book.
However, some books proved hard to locate at acceptable prices, especially the ones by Charles de Lint, William F. Wu, and Roger Zelazny. I thought that they’d all be relatively easy to find, but that wasn’t always the case. When I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get them all in time to read and write a review by February 1st, I halted that plan. Now that I have them all, it’s a question whether I continue my plan to read them in order (more or less, as I already ready the two that I previously owned), or just read them at random. It’s strange to think that since the last book in the series was published in 1992, so many of the authors have shuffled off their mortal coil. There is nothing crueler than time.