Lost worlds and ports of call

Author: Anders Monsen (Page 27 of 82)

Computer tablet made out of paper

This technology definitely is lifted from the pages of science fiction, no pun intended.

Users will be able flick through a document by bending the screen, or by joining screens together for a larger display. Each PaperTab will also be aware of other PaperTabs nearby, helping users keep track. Email can be sent by placing the device in an out tray or by bending the top corner of the display. The PaperTab can also store thousands of documents – obviating, its developers say, the need for stacks of paper or a traditional computer monitor.

Imagine pinning up several paper monitors on you office wall, connecting them together, and having one large monitor.

Insult politicians, go to jail

Putin’s Russia, Egypt’s Morsi, the list is endless. Not even America was immune to this, but at least it’s been more than 200 years since the Alien and Sedition Acts for the USA. Not so elsewhere in the world, as the case of an Egyptian TV host, Bassem Youssef, who dares challenge the self-proclaimed voices of authority. Many people believe their view is the only right one, but when those who ardently believe in this gain power, everyone else suffers, as they will wield the sword mercilessly.

Fiscal cliff extended

With mere hours left remaining in 2012, news sites everywhere are reporting a fiscal cliff deal. You can bet the farm thus deal includes massive tax increases and zero spending cuts. And those new taxes? Why, the will go to new programs, of course. Like junkies on smack, politicians think only about the short term. They can always print more money, or quit tomorrow, right?

Salvage and Demolition: new Tim Powers novella

Tim Powers fans rejoice! Subterranean Press is publishing a new, 21,000 word novella called Salvage and Demolition. Apparently the limited edition is already sold out, and no doubt the trade edition shortly will follow suit. The brief description sounds like classic Powers stuff:

Richard Blanzac, a San Francisco-based rare book dealer, opens a box of consignment items and encounters the unexpected. There, among an assortment of literary rarities, he discovers a manuscript in verse, an Ace Double Novel, and a scattering of very old cigarette butts. These commonplace objects serve as catalysts for an extraordinary—and unpredictable—adventure.

RIP Gerry Anderson

Some of my core TV memories from growing up in Zambia are Astro Boy, The Incredible Hulk, The Six Million Dollar Man, and Thunderbirds. Though puppet shows seem corny and wince-inducing, Thunderbirds had cool space ships, action, and exciting stories. A couple of days ago the show’s creator, Gerry Anderson, passed away at age 83. I had no idea, though, that a live action movie based on his show appeared in 2004. If must have flown well below the radar.

The science fiction of language

Over at the New Yorker a long and complex essay on utopianism of language. An invented language emerges from the mind of one person into Russian consciousness, and expands. Similarity to a Heinlein idea is noted:

An article titled “The Speed of Thought” noted remarkable similarities between Ithkuil and an imaginary language cooked up by the science-fiction writer Robert Heinlein for his novella “Gulf,” from 1949. Heinlein’s story describes a secret society of geniuses called the New Men who train themselves to think more rapidly and precisely using a language called Speedtalk, which is capable of condensing entire sentences into single words. Using their efficient language to communicate, the New Men plot to take over the world from the benighted “homo saps.”

More than 900 languages have been invented since the 12th century, according to the article. Many have as their goal making language more precise, much like the 20th century views of the Logical Positivists, who thought language needed to be codified by their rules into a common language. Thus, like many utopian ideas, language inventors believe their visions needs to be imposed upon everyone. However, John Quijada’s invented language, Ithkuil, isn’t one that he wants to impose, even though he created it because he believed “natural languages are adequate, but that doesn’t mean they’re optimal.”

The problem with invented language is they tend to be overly complex, mentally burdensome, and only a handful of enthusiasts bother to learn them. That, and humans might actually prefer ambiguity, as it allows them degrees of freedom and individuality that preciseness and rules prevent. Interestingly, some of the most ardent Eastern European fans of Ithkuil mentioned in the article lean toward authoritarian ideals.

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