Stripmall Architecture, a new project from former members of Halou, launched a funding effort online to pay for the CD release of their new EP. I like their music, and find this method a far more personal way to participate in releasing good music than throwing $20 to Sony or EMI for the latest pop sounds or Beatles re-flog. You can check progress and listen to samples over at
Author: Anders Monsen (Page 45 of 82)
Regarding the post below about the interview with Boston, it is apropos to mention his latest collection – Masque of Dreams. More information over at and this time the url is the link. Contains novelettes, short stories, and poems. Since I printed two of Boston’s poems in the Summer 2009 issue of Prometheus, I believe I must acquire this book.
Poet, author, and Prometheus Award nominee Bruce Boston is interviewed over at PaperBackSwap. Since the CSS for my current design doesn’t show links unless you hover over them, the url (in the “Boston Boston is interviewed” text, is –
As the editor of Prometheus, the newsletter of the Libertarian Futurist Society, my goal is to publish this newsletter relative on time, four times a year. Lately I have slipped a little in this schedule, with each issue running 2-3 months late. Thus, the most recent issue — Summer 2009 — appeared in early October. I’m very close to wrapping up the next issue, however, which covers the Prometheus Awards presentation at Anticipation, the 2009 WorldCon held in Montreal. As always, if there’s anyone reading this who would like to submit reviews to Prometheus, just send a note to for more information.
I am testing out writing short notes from the iPhone, which really is a small computer disguised as a phone. Not used to the virtual keyboard yet. Process seems to be to save as draft, then save for review, and then publish.
I can see from a few quick posts that links are far from obvious with my current site design. This means I’ll need to delve into the CSS and see where I can make some changes. At least I’ve replaced the default links in the “blogroll” ( a term I despise) with some of the links from my old site. I’m still going through an updating this list, testing the links and such, but the place is slowly coming together. I tried to post a draft entry from my iPhone, but it has not shown up. Maybe once I press publish it will appear. Like that ability, though, if I can get it to work.
It is too bad that someone even has to write what Wendy McElroy recently wrote at her site, but somehow I’m not surprised.
This is the first post written in WordPress, just to plant a flag in the ground, despite the wonderfully phrased statements from Terry Pratchett’s novel Nation about flag-planting. All the other posts below are historical vestiges from Blogger, which I am setting aside for now. I am switching focus a little from just liberty and culture to a wider perspective, though in a sense also narrower, since this really consists of my thoughts and opinions.
I have not messed with WordPress since many versions ago, so changes are the only certainty around here.
While I’m still training my new computer (since the old one crashed), I have not finished transitioning to my new site. Here’s an interesting perspective on libertarian sf, by the media sf blogging web site,
With a headline like “Anti-Corporate Libertarian Futurism in ‘The Unincorporated Man’” from, the LFS definitely needs to check out this novel.