Lost worlds and ports of call

Author: Anders Monsen (Page 50 of 82)

A few minor changes

I’ve never been happy with the look and feel limitations of this site, but rarely do I have much time to attempt any changes. While I fiddle around with a few things this site may resemble the fate of the terminator T-1000 from second Terminator movie. I may even change the title as I have found this to be somewhat limiting of late.

History Now

Eighty-five issues.

Twenty-six years – December 1982 through April 2008 and counting…

4 Megabytes.

A couple of weeks ago I placed my trusty scanner back into its drawer, after completing phase one of a project that has taken countless hours over the past two months, namely scanning in as text every single copy of the past issues of Prometheus, the newsletter of the Libertarian Futurist Society.

In the end, probably no one cares but myself. Still, since finishing the work of scanning every issue, I have slowly been cleaning up the OCR text, and taking many a walk down memory lane. In other words, little time for web surfing or blogging.

I have no idea when I’ll finish this project, but one day I’ll end up with a fully searchable repository of all the past issue of Prometheus, at least via spotlight on my Mac.

Old Heinlein = New Heinlein

The latest unearthing of Heinlein material heads to the printer over at Subterranean Press. I’m not being cynical, really, as this looks like an interesting collection.

Subterranean Press does a great job producing quality books at decent prices, and I’m delighted to see that one of the authors they are carrying is Jack Vance. Now, if only they had printed the new Michael Shea collection, and made the price less staggering than the one produced by Millipede Press…

Spring 2008 Prometheus issue nearly wrapped up

It’s been quiet here lately, as I’ve been trying to finish the latest print issue of Prometheus, the newsletter of the Libertarian Futurist Society. The quarterly publication schedule for the newsletter aims to have it in readers’ hands around the middle of January, April, July, and October. Looks like I should nearly be able to meet this goal with the current issue.

The Last Enemy

SF blogsite io9 has an interesting post about two forthcoming projects, including a TV miniseries called The Last Enemy coming to the US. The second project stars Hugh Jackman, and I expect now we’ll soon see a slew of films about the new crackdown on civil liberties.

Free book online

Read Prometheus Award finalist Tobias S. Buckell’s novel Crystal Rain over at TOR Books. Free only for a limited time. This is not the Prometheus Award finalist novel (that would be Ragamuffin), but might give readers a taste of Buckell’s fiction.

Backhanded compliment

Well, I’m not even sure the second word in the title comes close to accuracy. Locus Online posted the notice about the Prometheus Award finalists today. In the sentence about the Classic Novel category they editorialize with the following snarky comment – “finalists for classic fiction (which can be and are nominated year after year until they win).” Personally I have grumbled about some of the repetitiveness about the nominees, but I have rarely seen Locus Online editorialize about any other science fiction award, so this behavior is questionable at best, and simply bad form. Nor is it entirely accurate. The same nominees do not show up year after year (go check the past list of nominees at www.lfs.com), though as of late this seems to have been the case. Some years ago I compiled a list of the most nominated books in the Classic category (or as it originally was called, the Hall of Fame). Several books dominated this list, while others appeared regularly but sporadically. But it just the fact such a comment was made that bothers me, not so much having to pull the facts to dispute it. I gave up pushing a couple of Jack Vance novels that I thought deserved the award, as he never got enough votes to make the second round, and I fear too few people read Vance, and his older books now are rarely reprinted and thus inaccessible.

2008 Prometheus Award Finalists

The press release went out today, and news should be posted at LFS.com fairly soon. I have not yet read any of the finalists (I am not part of the selection committee), but I’ll need to read them all soon before the voting deadline in July. I’m a little disappointed that two of the books I nominated did not make the final cut, but so it goes. From the release:
* Ragamuffin, by Tobias S. Buckell (TOR Books), set in the same world as Crystal Rain, focuses on a struggle for power that leads to total war for humanity’s right to live free from alien rulers.
* The Execution Channel, by Ken MacLeod (TOR), imagines a post-9/11 era of terrorism, paranoia, espionage in an environment of media spin, disinformation and a rogue media outlet that broadcasts murders and executions.
* Fleet of Worlds, by Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner (TOR), is a prequel to Niven’s classic Ringworld that dramatizes the deception and dominations of alien Puppeteers over enslaved descendants of a human colony ship.
* The Gladiator, by Harry Turtledove (TOR) , a Crosstime Traffic story about a future where the Soviet Union won the Cold War but curious teenagers rediscover capitalism.
* Ha’penny, by Jo Walton (TOR), an alternate-history sequel to Farthing, portrays a convincing surrender of freedom for illusory safety in a 1940s-fascist Great Britain.
This is the ninth nomination for MacLeod, who has won three times (The Star Fraction, The Stone Canal, and Learning the World); the third nomination (all as collaborations) for Niven, who won in 1992 for Fallen Angels (with Michael Flynn and Jerry Pournelle).
Turtledove has been nominated once before; this is the first nomination for Buckell and Walton. Special congratulations to TOR Books, for its grand slam of all five finalist slots for the second time in this category’s three-decade history.
The Best Novel finalist-judging committee read more than 15 novels this past year as awards possibilities, including nine official nominees. Here are the other nominees: The Guardener’s Tale, by Bruce Boston (Sam’s Dot Publishing); Echoes of an Alien Sky, by James Hogan (Baen Books); Gradisil, by Adam Roberts (Prometheus Books’ Pyr); and Off Armageddon Reef, by David Webber (TOR).

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