Harald is the debut fantasy novel from David Friedman, libertarian writer and author of The Machinery of Freedom. You can read an excerpt at BAEN Books, publishers of the hardcover edition, due April 2006.
Author: Anders Monsen (Page 71 of 82)
I just finished reading a new novel from Scott Mackay, called Tides. Longer review completed and forthcoming in the January edition of Prometheus. This book details the adventures of a mariner driven to sail the vast and treacherous seas that surround his homeworld, in search of a possible other continent. A rollicking sea-tale that also examines clashing cultures, and questions the status quo of an apparent peaceful yet corrupt society.
I received a copy of the American edition of Justina Robson’s Silver Screen. Alas, the UK cover looks far cooler than the Pyr edition. I’ve just started the book, with plans to review it in neither the January or April edition of Prometheus. So far I am very impressed by the story and writing.
Another writer fined for Turkish insult against the state. Zulkuf Kisanak’s novel describes the forced evacuation of Turkish Kurds from their villages. How can Turkey expect to join the EU with these illiberal laws?
I’m working on a long review for Prometheus, but if you like adventurous science fiction that takes you back to the days of Robert A. Heinlein, Michael L. Wentz’s novelResurrection of Liberty is on sale for under $20. I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it. It’s hard to beat this price for a nicely bound hardcover book, and would make a great gift to youngsters and adults alike.
Over the Libertarian Enterprise, novelist and Prometheus Award winner L. Neil Smith shares a movie treatment he wrote called TimePeeper. Written in the 1980s, it’s an interesting addition to Smith’s North American Confederacy universe.
The New York Times writes about a nearly nine hour TV movie version of a superb Russian novel, Mikhail Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita. “For the Soviet or Russian person, meeting with Bulgakov’s novel in 1966 was a taste of freedom,” states the director. The book can be read on many levels, one of which details how people “disappear” into the basements of the KGB. Other elements are more fantastic, such as the Devil setting up shop in Moscow. The novel is a hallmark of wit and elebance, but devilishly difficult to adapt to the screen. I seriously hope this gats translated and shown outside Russia one day.
I heard about the case of Orhan Pamuk‘s trial on NPR driving home today. The trial begins on December 16. Here is a country’s most famous novelist on trial for saying something that insults the national character. Apparently, by discussing the verboten subject of over one million alleged Armenian deaths in Turkey in 1915, Pamuk stepped on the toes of Turkish national honor. It’s a shame that so many of his countryfolk hate him for daring to speak his mind, but Turkish children are taught at an early age to venerate all things Turkish, and that means no criticism of the government view. Whether or not one million Armenians died should be investigated fully, not swept under the carpet.
Wally Conger passes on some positive comments from a pre-screening report of V for Vendatta in Austin, Texas recently. Interestingly, the guys at Ain’t It Cool News, which posted the comments, wrote early on about disturbing changes to the script. Either the movie changed, or the opinions did, but regardless this does appear positive. The posters are superb.
The death of book publishing? Perhaps. Certainly the device mentioned in this article makes the case well, and merges more than just a book reader into the package. Imagine curling up on a sofa reading a favorite author while listening to music from the same small gadget. Oh yeah!