Lost worlds and ports of call

Author: Anders Monsen (Page 80 of 83)

More insults kick V for Vendetta movie

From Ain’t it Cool News, a script review of V for Vendetta, and it’s not a pretty result. Instead of the book, we probably will end up with “inspired by the title of the comic book” in the credits. All the excitement I felt upon hearing the original news about this movie has evaporated into this air. Not even Natalie Portman’s presence can save this movie. A quote:

There is nothing sinister about the government. It isn’t subtle and manipulative at all like the graphic novel presented it to be. It is Evil with a capital E, black bags over the head and everything. Pothrero is not the Voice of England, but a screaming voice, devoid of nuance and subtlety, a damning indication of elementary screenwriting by two hacks.

Alan Moore disavows V for Vendetta Movie

As reported by Comic Book Resources, noted writer Alan Moore sets the record straight on the movie adaptation of his graphic novel, V for Vendetta. I guess it was too much to ask when the producers spoke as if they had Moore’s complete approval. Directors and producers of major movies rarely treat writers with any respect. Now the game becomes a question of how many changes are made, how the changes affect the story, and whether the political statements get toned down.

New Libertarian roots

Tom Knapp reports on his “Google Bomb” efforts to reclaim Sam Konkin III’s origin and meaning of new libertarian from some so-called neo-libs. An old interview with Konkin (who dies in 2004) can be found here. His “New Libertarian Manifesto” used to be available online, but now seems to have 404’d.

Who celebrates libertarian fiction writers?

In Wendy McElroy’s book review of Stephen Cox’s recent Isabel Paterson biography, “Isabel Paterson and the Idea of America,” she wonders:

Why has Paterson been so neglected? Or, more broadly, why did and does the libertarian movement — or radical individualism in general — not celebrate and embrace its fiction writers in the same manner as the Left? Upton Sinclair, Lillian Hellman, Max Eastman, John Steinbeck, Sinclair Lewis — these left-wing fiction writers were Paterson’s contemporaries. Like her, they had a dramatic impact on the culture and politics of their day. Unlike Paterson, they have claimed important niches in history, largely because of the attention of left-wing biographers and historians.

Well, one group of libertarians has celebrated libertarian fiction for almost 25 years – the Libertarian Futurist Society.

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