Lost worlds and ports of call

Author: Anders Monsen (Page 81 of 83)

Laissez Faire Books vs. The Black Arrow

A firestorm ignites over at Sunni Maravillosa’s site regarding Laissez Faire Books decision not to carry Vin Suprynowicz’s novel, The Black Arrow. I have not read the book, so I cannot comment on the alleged “gratuitous vulgar sexual content” mentioned as the reason for not carrying the book. Nor am I as passionate about the book as some of its readers. I respect LFB’s decision not to carry the book, and I also can understand the anger and outrage from the book’s fans. For over 21 years I’ve supported and ordered books from Laissez Faire Books. I’ll continue this, but LFB never has been the sole source for my books. Meanwhile, the book is available at the publisher (linked above) and Amazon.

Pippi Longstocking on the stage

Pippi Longstocking becomes a ballet. I read several of Astrid Lindgren’s books as a child, and remember Pippi as a fun and strong character in several novels. It’s amusing to read how she inspired fear in the establishment as an independent-minded child, and now is lauded as a hero of female liberation.

Politics at Cannes

Truth about movies and prizes at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Quoth director Gilles Jacob about Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, “it was a question of a satirical tract that was awarded a prize more for the political than cinematographic reasons, no matter what the jury said.” Nah, really? And now we expect the jury to drop their politics this year? We are expected to believe that last year was an anolamy, perhaps brought about by the election year? I seriously doubt anything will change.

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