Lost worlds and ports of call

Category: fiction (Page 11 of 11)

Libertarian pseudo-novels?

A not easily identifiable person writes a LiveJournal essay on what he/she calls two libertarian pseudo-novels – Henry Hazlitt’s Time Will Run Back and J. Neil Schulman’s The Rainbow Cadenza. I think the writer is spot on in terms of the Hazlitt book, which is one of the dullest works of ‘fiction’ that I’ve ever read, but I can’t remmber Schulman’s book being as much a ‘p o r n’ novel as alluded to in the review. Sure, there’s sex in the book (some of it not very pleasant), and it’s been almost two decades since I read the book, but I thought it was a decent work of fiction then. I’ll have to re-read the novel to refresh my memory, but I came away thinking more about the musical sections than the erotica or sex scenes.

Audio plays

Another day, another 1800 words written. I’m actually shocked and surprised how little use I’ve made of my copious notes that I prepared while listening to the three Heinlein audio plays I’m reviewing for Prometheus. Perhaps I’d use more if I didn’t have certain space constraints, but then quite a bit of the notes are just there to remind me of what I heard. I did manage to re-locate today the web page that has all episodes of Dimension X available as mp3 files. I researched the show a couple of years ago while planning this review, as well as the follow-up, X Minus One. The download time from their FTP server is horrible, but I hope it’s worth the effort. Only 500 more words to go before this review essay is done, and then three page remain left to fill. Luckily, two of those pages have other stuff already in place, so it’s more like two pages and a dash. Come January I’ll be buried in books trying to make some headway through the dozen plus review copies received in 2006. And that doesn’t begin to count the books that I want to read. I’ve gone to find a more forgiving habit…

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