Lost worlds and ports of call

CSS work ahead

I can see from a few quick posts that links are far from obvious with my current site design. This means I’ll need to delve into the CSS and see where I can make some changes. At least I’ve replaced the default links in the “blogroll” ( a term I despise) with some of the links from my old site. I’m still going through an updating this list, testing the links and such, but the place is slowly coming together. I tried to post a draft entry from my iPhone, but it has not shown up. Maybe once I press publish it will appear. Like that ability, though, if I can get it to work.


  1. Sunni

    Wow—this place looks great! Well, except for the links; they’re virtually invisible.

    Should I update my link for you, at my site? (Notice how I avoided the term you despise?)

  2. Anders Monsen

    Hi Sunni! Thanks for visiting. Yes, most definitely change the link. Even though (despite my stated intentions) I have not yet had time to update the CSS, the invisible links are exactly what prompted my last post. And I do plan on fixing this and posting more very soon.

  3. Anders Monsen

    And while the style approaches something I like in the Blogroll links, the links within the posts themselves need some work. This requires digging more into the code, and not just the CSS, to split the regular links and the links on the right hand side.

  4. Sunni

    Yeah, I’ve had to do that before. Depending upon how the code is organized, it can be fairly straightforward or require hand-coding of each link of one of the types. Hope yours is closer to the former!

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