Lost worlds and ports of call

Harald by David Friedman

Harald is the debut fantasy novel from David Friedman, libertarian writer and author of The Machinery of Freedom. You can read an excerpt at BAEN Books, publishers of the hardcover edition, due April 2006.


  1. Anonymous

    “Fantasy” is a bit misleading, since there is no magic. “Historical” would be a bit misleading, since the history is invented. So would “alternate history,” since the geography is invented too.

    I don’t think there is a name for the genre. Cherryh’s The Paladin would be another example.

    David Friedman

  2. Anders Monsen

    Thanks for the clarification. Labels often are imposed on readers and writers by marketers in the publishing company. How do they sell their books to bookstores? Where do they go in the store? Some stores will split out fantasy and sf, others combine these. In this instance, I lifted “fantasy” directly from the publisher’s page. I tend to like the simple line that states “this is a work of fiction.” Looking forward to it.

    “It’s the perfect storm for conquest: a dysfunctional kingdom reels under a weak monarch. A powerful order of warrior maidens turns to infighting after suddenly losing its charismatic leader. Worst of all, a disciplined and blooded imperial army stands ready to invade and dominate. If ever a moment called for grit, competence, and an utter lack of wishful thinking it is now. Enter Harald of the Vales. Family man and teller of tales. Warrior’s warrior. It’s time the Empire got one thing straight: the land of Kaerlia will never be its for the taking.

    An intricate and thrilling debut fantasy novel from libertarian prof (and son of economist Milton Friedman) and Society for Creative Anachronism grandee, David D. Friedman.”

  3. David Friedman

    People interested in more information on Haraldcan either read the first third for free at:


    (almost final draft)
    or look at the book web page at:


    or the interview at:


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