Lost worlds and ports of call

Simple syndication? Really?

A couple of people have mentioned the lack of RSS on this blog. Today I attempt to remedy this deficiency. I moved to Blogger Beta, enabled site feed options, and added the link for readers to subscribe to this blog. If you try this out, please let me know if it works, or if nothing happens. I confess to having tried out RSS months ago, but it didn’t seem to be simple at that time, or perhaps I lacked the patience to follow all the necessary steps.


  1. Happy Curmudgeon

    I added you to my bloglines subscription. I’ll let you know if it works after you post something new. :)koh

  2. Chris Hibbert

    I added you to Shrook, and it found all your old posts, so I think it’s set up correctly. Thanks!

  3. Anders Monsen

    I’ll need to check out different RSS readers, as so far I can view the blog in my RSS feeds in Safari and Firefox, but the updates don’t appear yet to work like other feeds (ie. NY Times or Wired). Probably another reason I delayed setting up RSS from my blog is that I don’t really use it that much myself to check other sites/blogs. Sometimes I’m on the cutting edge of technology, while other times I remain in the stone age.

  4. Anders Monsen

    I stand corrected. My RSS feed in Safari now reflects new blog entries. Whoo-hoo.

    Having written a couple of comments tonight, I apologize to people writing comments that you need to use the word verification, but when I had that turned off a slew of blogspam appeared. I don’t want to spend my time deleting that crap.

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