Lost worlds and ports of call


I read last week that there are 140 million member of MySpace. I’ve only visited the site to listen to a pre-release version of a Robin Guthrie song. I believe David Louis Edelman’s piece is a major reason I see no use in joining the site. That, and I’d probably end up with zero friends and go jump off a bridge. Ha.

1 Comment

  1. Geoffrey Allan Plauche

    MySpace may not last if it doesn’t improve, but still…I recently contacted Chris Hibbert about the potential of using MySpace for publicizing LFS, libertarian science fiction, and the Prometheus Awards. There are sizable communities of writers and readers of F&SF, libertarians, and science buffs. It would be fairly painless and costless monetary-wise to set up an LFS profile, join all the relevant groups, acquire friends, and advertise LFS.

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