Lost worlds and ports of call

Why We Fight

Why We Fight may well become one of the most interesting and controversial documentaries of 2006. The trailer itself is a chilling insight into the current state of the growth of the American war machine. The website advertises the movies as “a bipartisan inquiry into the workings of the military industrial complex and the rise of the American Empire.” I did detect a focus on profit as the main motive, but sure there is more that this at work.


  1. Sunni

    You’re back! Hooray!!!

  2. Anders Monsen

    Sunni, if you read this, did you get my last two emails? I still don’t have my system restored in terms of email, but send me current address and I’ll resend.

  3. Sunni

    I did receive some email from you quite a while back, but nothing lately. Last one seems to be from October, and if so, it’s no longer relevant: I have become an LFS member.

  4. Anders Monsen

    Well, still relevant, but not urgent. I wrote a couple of emails seeking permission to reprint portions of an interview from your Salon. If you can respond via email — editor ATMARK lfs DOTMARK org, I can try to re-create the request, possibly for April issue? Many thanks.

  5. Sunni

    Oops, I forgot about that, Anders. You’re welcome to reprint whatever you wish; the terms Tom and I would like you to follow are on the Salon’s contact page. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.

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