That’s how describe this year’s WorldCon or LA Con IV in a brief write-up of the current event. LFS will announce the 2006 Prometheus Awards on the 26th, or Saturday. I was there 10 years ago at LA Con III. I won’t make it this year, and even had I planned on attending I would have arrived in somewhat reduced form, as I’ve been smacked around this week by a cold and stomach virus at the same time. Throw in lack of sleep as the kiddo keeps us off guard, and the end result would have been grumpiness all around. At some point writing will take place and postings follow.

I use my blog almost as a memory device. When I forget to post something it’s nearly impossible to go back later and trawl through the web for the same story. Last item that caught my attention was news that new stories are planned in the Babylon 5 universe. Far better that Star Dreck, this show peaked in seasons 2-4, especially the latter half of 3 and first half of 4. I had started a mini B5 marathon a few months ago, but had to set it aside after the early episodes of season 4. I’ve probably seen most episodes three or four times, and enjoy most aspects of the show immensely. Still, I could not help laughing when I watched the Finnish web movie Star Wrek: In the Pirkinning. They nailed some of the main characters’ worst traits quite well.