Via Locus Online an article in The American Spectator about Jim Baen, who died last year. Baen published Baen Books, and was noted for hard science and military science fiction novels (though it also published fantasy and non-military sf). The writer of this article, whether consciously or not, remembers the conservative military sf aspects of Baen Books, despite some libertarian and also non-political works published. Aside from other points raised about sf and politics, I take issue with the conservative, revisionist interpretation of Western values of the writer. Apparently instead of individual rights, America and Western Europe rest on “traditional Western values like honor, patriotism, chivalry, duty and military valor.” These could be applied to any other non-Western culture, such as China, Islamic nations, Russia, and Latin American nations. Baen, more libertarian than conservative, is being hijacked by conservatives as some sort of knee-jerk supporter of the military nation (with a conservative commander in chief, of course).